Sometimes, I have nothing to write down, so I need to find things to note.
One should never stop writing, collecting words, phrases, names that refer to people who write words, phrases, names. A patchwork of ideas, a woven tapestry of thoughts. The Frankenstein monster living off dead letters charged with electricity. Just to find things to note. If we don’t catch them, the words float and drift away, leaving only the current that carried them off.
It was René Roussillon, building on the work of Donald Winnicott, who explored the idea that the first transitional object was speech. That the comfort object is material, destined to disappear, the body itself is destined to go away. But would speech remain? Echoing, resonating, then gradually fading until it transforms to take the shape of our own voice. Like the little voice that reads my notes but does not belong to me.
There is the hermeticism where one does not enter because it is closed, the one where you enter and it traps you, and the one that invites you to enter to open what is closed.
– Antonin Artaud, Suppôts et Supplications.